and im not sure if i do something on madness day ( if u wanna medness short from me say it as comment )
but what im sure about is im starting doing in 3D ! ! ( maybe madness or not)
for modeling i will use z-brush
and for animation i will use probably cinema 4d
and here is some points what i will do about my stuff:
totalyty redising of anger mod (few thing will be same as black color of anger mod)
modeling chracters
-||- city
make movie ( finally GOD DAMN IT !!)
and if i decidet be good enoght i will take commissions
and here is something what zbrush can do >:D (and it is NOT MY WORK for sure !!! )
and one thing z brush is more like photoshop and it is using by blizzard and riot games :3
and one thing I'm putting together money for a new pc which will be beast (stuff like icore 7 procesor u know >:D)